Just this morning I heard this powerful quote of
Margaret Mead's words again :
Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Every day we are offered the opportunity to make small changes
and to make the world a better place, both for ourselves and for others.
I have been following Rebecca of
for many moons now. To me, her blog personifies the words of Margaret Mead.
Once again, Rebecca has joined hands with others
to help change the world of a village.
She offers us the opportunity to help make the dreams
of the women of las rancheritas come true!!
And she offers a beautiful gift as a 'reward' to the
first lucky ticket drawn.
The act of giving and sharing in the realization of another's hopes and
dreams are such a bountiful reward in itself!!
But there is more!
Please go to http://corazon.typepad.com/recuerda_mi_corazon/2012/06/for-the-women-of-las-rancheritas.html and read all the details about how
you can buy a ticket for the small amount of $10 and
play a part in making this dream come true.
(and you can participate from anywhere in the world!)
Please grab the button in my sidebar and share on your blog, so that
many others may find their way there and be a part of this