Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today I would like to share Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes words with you - she posted these on her FB page today.

She says: did you think I was only demure?
I have been portrayed as only clean and sweet,
nice and neat, but you know, dont you,
I've been to war and in knife-fights?
Did you blieve those who said
I have no scars?
Look in my face: my one eye clear
and my one eye blind:
one eye for seeing the world as it is,
and the other for seeing the world
as it can and will be...
by way of your mercy,
by way of your love.

See yourself
the way I see you
dear Soul.
Then, ¡Arriba!
upward and onward:

Some have said
she looks like a blob;
they have taunted,
'What is the supposed to be?!"
A log only good for the fire!
A piece of junk.

And I'd say
those who have eyes to see
see Our Lady,
battered by hail
torn at by rain,
chipped, splintered,
nonetheless she
holds her shape...
for The Mother
is unerasable;
even were one
to grind her wood
to pulp,
the sawdust of her
would still nourish
the ground
and maketh small
roofs for ladybugs,
and nest linings
for the winged.
Even were one
to burn her down,
her ashes would be taken
by some mad artist
who would draw her
a hundred times
on the walls of caves
so the not-yet-born
would one day see her,
know her, love her.

Nothing can extinguish her,
not conquests, not vandals,
not disrespect, not ignoring
her existence.

She goes on.
She continues.
Like the ocean continues.
Like the sky continues.

She continues...
in us. As long
as we remember,
she continues.
Even when
we forget,
she continues.

We too.
Same and same.
Same and same.
Even when we remember
who we belong to,
even if we forget
even if we ignore
to whom we belong...
we still belong tight
we still belong close
we still belong cheek to cheek
to the Great Woman,
and She to us.

She cannot be erased
She cannot
be brought down
nor made small

We also, the same.
The same, the same.
We who are
Tribe of the Sacred Heart,
many of us Scar Clan...
and with love enough
to hold onto her hem--
no matter which shape
she takes,
no matter what
condition we are in.
We hold to her
and she to us.
We cannot
be brought down,
we cannot be diminished,
for our shape is hers
as hers is ours: eternal.
Siempre. Always.

Our Holy Mother
gave birth
to the God of Love,
outdoors, under
imperfect conditions.
We do not merely
celebrate this Act,
but we replicate this:
We give birth
to the God of Love
every day
in our own
human ways,
in every out of the way,
unsheltered place
under all imperfect

Let us go forth.

- Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes

1 comment:

  1. so wonderful - so beautiful - so true. It touched me deeply in my heart. Who is this woman I must find out about her? Thank you for posting this Hettienne.


Thank you for your comments - I read each and every one! I have taken the word verification off - hope it makes it easier